“Sean Harries and No.6 Developments have been excellent in coordinating the design and planning application process. They have responded positively to challenges experienced along the way whilst keeping the project on time and within budget.”
Simon Lewis
Head of Property, TWI
No. 6 developments is retained by TWI Ltd after successfully securing the Reserved Matters application for the area of land known as Zone 2 at Granta Park, which was acquired by BioMed Realty for a development of Research and Development buildings to further build on the success of the Park.
Project Reform focuses on TWI’s ambition to transform the residual parts of its estate to enable the company to deliver its core business operations and maintain its headquarters at Granta Park, through the consolidation of TWI operations and redevelopment of existing buildings on the site.
With a site of just under 10 hectares, No. 6 Developments has taken a leading role in co-ordinating the site feasibility stage, defining the planning promotion strategy with the client, and appointing a multi-disciplinary design team to prepare an Outline Planning Application (OPA). The OPA was prepared and submitted in a period of 7 months. No. 6 Developments took a proactive role in managing the project team, keeping the client informed on key risks, project spend and programme, as well as supporting wider engagement with the community and key consultees.
The submitted scheme proposes to deliver a total footprint across the entire TWI estate of over 64,000 sqm of floorspace for offices, laboratories, training facilities and workshops, in a high-quality design led by Hawkins Brown.
No. 6 Developments continues to provide support to TWI in negotiating the Outline Planning Application through to determination, and in scoping the next stages of the project moving towards project delivery on site.
TITLE: Project Reform
SECTOR: Technology and Biosciences
SCALE: 10 hectares / 64,000 sqm +
LOCATION: Granta Park, Cambridgeshire
VALUE: £150m+
TIMEFRAME: Since 2022
DELIVERABLES: Development management, procurement, project delivery & design coordination