“No. 6 Developments have been engaged with the Marshall Aerospace Relocation project since the beginning and have led the project team in a professional and efficient manner to coordinate work across all property, planning and technical workstreams, culminating in the submission of our complex planning application at Cranfield to Central Bedfordshire Council.”
Richard Howe MBE
Managing Director, Marshall Group Properties
No. 6 developments is retained by Marshall Group Properties (Marshall) to provide client-side planning and project management support for the Marshall Aerospace Relocation programme.
The relocation of the Marshall Aerospace business from its current home at Cambridge Airport presents an opportunity to invest in state-of-the-art facilities for Marshall Aerospace’s Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul services to its UK and worldwide customers. The relocation will also free up the Cambridge Airport site for a mixed-use redevelopment known as Cambridge East, as envisaged in the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan.
No. 6 Developments has taken a leading role in co-ordinating the site assessment and selection process, undertaking site feasibility assessments and latterly preparing an Outline Planning Application at the preferred site, at Cranfield Airport, Bedfordshire.
No. 6 Developments continues to provide support to Marshall in negotiating the Outline Planning Application through to determination, and in scoping the next stages of the project moving towards project delivery on site.
Separately, No. 6 Developments continues to provide support to Marshall on the planning promotion of Cambridge East.
TITLE: Marshall Aerospace Relocation
SECTOR: Aviation
CLIENT: Marshall Group Properties
SCALE: 87 hectares / 1 million sq ft
LOCATION: Cranfield Airport, Bedfordshire
VALUE: £400m
TIMEFRAME: Mid 2018 to present
DELIVERABLES: Client-side planning and project management support, Outline Planning Application including EIA